Twice Upon a Time To Do List
Tell someone what your costume is going to be
Go ahead, tell them you started working on in it in July
Get in touch with someone you've lost contact with and invite them to Twice Upon A Time
Carpool with your crew
Check something at (free) coatcheck
Put one piece in a glowy puzzle
Build a glowy structure
Get your cards read
Put a tetris piece on the jenga balancer
Wear a visor; play cards
Look at the pretty hats
Post something to hashtag #twiceuponatimeseattle
Take pictures
Have your picture taken out front
Use the photo booth on the mezzanine level
Partake in a (free) 1:00am snack
ice cream
Compliment someone's costume (easy to do, planning varies)
Complement someone's costume (harder to do, takes more planning)
Say thank you to someone
Start a conversation with a stranger
Learn a poi trick
Keep hydrated
Offer to refill someone's mug with water for them
Exchange kandi and or candy
Wiggle your butt
Do a little dance
Make a little love (not at the venue)
Get down tonight
Make the "we're not worthy" motion to the DJ
Thank a DJ
Be safe
Check on someone
Don't disturb the neighbors
Post your pictures on the facebook site
Look forward to the next one
Tell a coworker you went to a party this weekend